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Hi guys, I took my NCLEX today and it shut off at 85 questions. As the test was approaching though, I started doing about 70-100 questions a day. If you’re familiar with my explanation of how the NCLEX works, you’ll know that it’s a computer adaptive test. I had a feeling I was getting shut off at 85, so I made sure to really take my time on those last few. is aqueduct racetrack open today nyra The Questions Were Getting Harder Before it Shut Off. is there a high chance of failing in 85 qs? I’m so nervous & can’t believe they make us wait 2 dreadful days to know our results. A smaller $65 version has also sold out online. Further, in an 85-question test only 70 questions are counted toward your passing score. oreillys kewanee In order to pass, the computer will stop when it has determined with 95 % accuracy that you have demonstrated minimum nursing competency-the level with which you need to get to to pass. She told me that there were 145 questions in total and she had to. Stopped at 85 questions. The NCLEX exam is a critical step in becoming a licensed nurse. Hello everyone! I took the NCLEX today and my test shut off at 85q. In order to pass, the computer will stop when it has determined with 95 % accuracy that you have demonstrated minimum nursing competency-the level with which you need to get to to pass. fencing at fleet farm If the exam shuts off at 85 questions, it does not necessarily indicate success or failure. ….

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