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Had I picked a Multiband antenna #5. ?

All antenna elements are essentially quarter-wave or 5/8th-wave verticals coupled to a central feedpoint. Companies that are manufacturing HF antennas usually offer short vertical HF multiband antennas, 6-7 m high, suitable for work and for assembling in limited space. Small size (46ft long x 24ft high) 50 ohm Coaxial Feed. Compact and efficient multi-band antennas are essential for those with small gardens. mk4 jetta ute Backyard Multi-Band Wire HF Antennas L Cebik, W4RNL 1434 High Mesa Drive Knoxville, TN 37938-4443 e-mail: cebik@cebik. I had always wanted to use HF more while camping or going on adventures around Australia (see our adventures page if you are interested), and now I am a step closer to doing that. The antenna's lightweight and detachable design is ideal for Portable Operations in the Air (POTA). 13 Length of Half-Wave Dipole Antenna 26 Fig. shaking gifs This could be an ideal Small Garden project requiring almost zero garden width and a le. The small black box on the left is a QDX digital transceiver I use for FT8 operation To tune the antennas, I used a Rig Expert antenna analyzer to directly measure the antenna impedances for adjusting. Fig. 0 out of 5 stars Very good … (A dipole antenna can be operated on its odd multiple harmonics!) The horizontal portion of this ham radio HF antenna should be at least 60% of the overall length, for best performance. The PL-259 connector ensures compatibility and optimal SWR performance between 1. raven fanfic A 14 meters ( 46 ft ) multi band antenna for small gardens that works well on 80 meters Main bands (@~50 ohm) are 80m / 40m / 30m / 17m / 15m / 12m May 13, 2009 · Works very nicely with low SWR on 80,40,20,15 on my old FT-707 with No antenna matching (direct into radio, No ATU) It also works well on all other bands with impedance matching. ….

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