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The family will receive friends for a memorial visitation at Baskerville Funeral Hom?

The former usually involves close loved ones of the deceased g. Get more information for Baskerville Funeral Home in Wilmington, IL. Funeral services and arrangements have been made under the direction and care of Baskerville Funeral Home in Wilmington (815) 476-2181. pompano jail inmate search The family will receive friends for a visitation at Baskerville Funeral Home, 700 East Kahler Road in Wilmington on Friday, July 28, 2023 between the hours of 4:00 p and 8:00 p Funeral services will follow Saturday morning, July 29, 2023 at 10:00 a in the funeral home with Rev Roy Backus officiating. Compare costs and reviews of funeral homes near Wilmington, IL from Funeralocity. The family will receive friends for a visitation on Thursday, November 30, 2023 at Baskerville Funeral Home, 700 East Kahler Road, in Wilmington from 4:00 p until the time of memorial service, 7:00 p Pastor Jeff Urban will officiate, and cremation rites will be accorded following the services. The family will receive friends for a visitation at Baskerville Funeral Home, 700 East Kahler Road, in Wilmington on Sunday, July 17, 2022 from 12:00 p to 5:00 p Funeral services will be. Barbara Persic. The family will receive friends for a visitation at Baskerville Funeral Home, 700 East Kahler Road, in Wilmington on Friday, February 9, 2024 from 4:00 p until the time of Masonic Rites at 7:30 p Funeral services will follow at Island City Baptist Church, 120 Vine Street, in Wilmington on Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 11:00 a Pastor. nsu greenmail His funeral service was held on August 19, 2021 at Baskerville Funeral Home in Wilmington, Illinois. Leave your condolences to the family on this memorial page or send flowers to show you care. Anyone younger than 18 cannot be tattooed except by a medical professional for medical reasons. The family will receive friends for a visitation at Baskerville Funeral Home, 700 E in Wilmington on Thursday, Sept. how to put a spell on someone Baskerville Funeral Home Wilmington. ….

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